The world we live in is full of varied cultures & traditions, each one featuring their own unique way of cooking & hence offering a diversified taste. Chinese cooking is one among the most followed ones.
As a nation, China has several festivals and traditions. Accordingly they have varied dishes for each event. In America, Chinese skills of cooking are looked upon as an art. For centuries together, their delicious delicacies are tickling the taste buds of the Americans.
Here are a few key features of Chinese cooking:
1. Chinese cooking is relatively quite easy and quick.
2. The specialties in Chinese items are categorized as per the nation's culture, festivals & districts.
3. Some examples are steamed fish, Doufu, dark vinegar rice served with ginger, din sum, etc.
4. Cooked tea is the most preferred drink with the Chinese cuisine. In china, different varieties of tea are planted, hence, it becomes a part of their daily routine.
5. The basic ingredients of Chinese food are water and/or oil.
6. Chinese cooking takes care of everyone's personalized tastes as the food items that can be added to these dishes are quite optional and can be modified as per an individual's choice.
7. The recipe centers on - simply mixing the right items to match up to one's taste.
8. The Chinese recipes do not involve lot of spices. They rather focus on the use of flavorings like cloves, aniseed, ginger root and Sichuan peppercorn.
9. Most oft, the Chinese chefs prefer using more of soy sauce, Shaoxing wine and oyster sauce. These add to the flavor and make the food more presentable.
10. Cooking the ingredients mainly involves some enlisted cooking techniques. These are shallow frying, stir-frying, roasting, deep frying, steaming, red cooking and stewing.
11. Stir frying implies frying the food at a very high heat in very little oil. In this case the food is cooked quite quickly as it is necessarily sliced in very small sized pieces.
12. In case of steaming, Chinese cooking traditionally involves the use of bamboo steamers. The bamboo steamers consist of a stack on their top so as to steam several items simultaneously.
13. To cook the larger pieces of meat, red cooking is the trick used in Chinese cooking.
14. Last but not the least, Chinese food features two key ingredients that are noodles and rice. People across the globe identify the Chinese culinary with noodles and rice. They are not only fast to cook but are also quite good to taste.
From being an indispensable fraction of the restaurant industry worldwide, to the households across the globe, the Chinese cuisine is loved by one and all.
It is quite simple to cook and with some tips and tricks, all of us can learn this cultural cooking.
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